
We’re home at last!!! Finally, we’ve made it back home (South Auckland, New Zealand). The trip went okay- several times I saw Dad walking past me on the plane, so I know he was exercising a bit. At the airport friends Keith Wagener and Trevor and Jan Yaxley, and relatives Tony and Lovonny Gray were there to meet and greet us. We have a wheelchair from the days when my father’s father needed one, which is collapsible, which means we will be able to take Winkie out more easily. It’s good to be here. I know that it is only a temporary stay for me, and don’t know exactly what will be happening in the coming days, but am pretty sure that I have my work cut out for me- Mom too. Right now, we’re trying to arrange for connecting him with the right doctor, and making sure things like getting his wound dressed every 1-2 days are taken care of. According to Dr. Lim, he should be able to get his stitches removed by June 5.” William Pratney Posted by Israel Anderson