“Winkie’s out of hospital. They discharged him this afternoon. So, those of you in NZ that wanted to visit him there, you’ll have to catch up with him elsewhere. Winkie was discharged around 3:00pm from Middlemore Hospital. He had all of his stitches removed, his wound freshly cleaned and bandaged, and (we’re told) can shower now. Yea! The doctors were in agreement with what the Korean doctors said: he can have his 4th operation sometime later, after he’s had time to recover. His wound seems to have sealed up nicely (it’s definitely got a long way to go in the healing process yet), and he’s been put on oral antibiotics to fight off a mild infection they found through a blood test. Winkie made pancakes after he got home. True to taste, his incredible pancake skills don’t seem to have diminished one iota. I loaded them up with sugar, lemon juice, passion fruit and banana. Awesome pancakes! Anyway, it’s the first thing he’s really done since coming out of the coma. An accomplishment for him, and a treat for me, he was able to see his son enjoying the work of his hands…one more step towards his completed recovery.” William Pratney Posted by Israel Anderson