13 04, 2007

More Good News!!


Apr/13/07  More good news! Winkie is breathing on his own now. He's only on what they call CPAP (he's still connected to the ventilator, but it's only providing some air pressure, NOT breathing for him). The swelling continues to come down, and he's looking more and more like himself. Dr. Lee says that his kidneys are functioning better, and has [...]

More Good News!!2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00
11 04, 2007

Health and Finances Update


Apr/11/07 Pratney family update: "Winkie continues to have a fever and high heart rate. They had him on ice packs when we were with him. From what I was able to determine from the doctor, his intravenously fed fluid intake is being gradually reduced, allowing (at least some) of the swelling in his body to come down. Obviously some of [...]

Health and Finances Update2013-08-14T20:26:30+00:00
11 04, 2007

Health Update – Good News!


Apr/11/07 Good news! We spoke with Dr. Lee (the anesthesiologist) this morning. Winkie has been taken completely off of the sedative (sleep inducing drug) now. He is still only on antibiotics and a pain killer. Which means that slowly, he is becoming more fully conscious. Kidney function continues to increase and already they have begun to feed him some water [...]

Health Update – Good News!2013-08-15T15:05:25+00:00
10 04, 2007

Health Update


Apr/10/07 Update From William Pratney: "Winkie has a fever, and elevated heart rate once again. It's not too bad, but keep praying. He was again responsive when we rubbed his feet tonight. Thank you for your continued prayers of faith. From Fae Pratney: We're still getting used to taking our shoes off every two seconds. Koreans even have plastic shoes [...]

Health Update2013-08-14T20:24:55+00:00
9 04, 2007

Health Update – GOOD NEWS


Apr/09/07  "Good news! We met with the three doctors today and they said the Dr. Schulze Intestinal Formula #1 is working! His bowel is working! Praise God! They are up to 3 or 4 pills a day. Due to this breakthrough, they have consented to the administration of Mannatech's Ambrotose, something many of you have recommended. Special thanks to Janice [...]

Health Update – GOOD NEWS2013-08-14T20:23:01+00:00
9 04, 2007

Health Update


Apr/09/07  Mom (Fae) and I (William) visited Winkie tonight. Mom really wanted to rub some Miracle II Gel on his feet, along with some cayenne tincture. A health specialist friend of ours in New Zealand recommended rubbing a little cayenne on his feet. As she was doing this, I was simply watching him, talking to him, etc. All of a [...]

Health Update2013-08-14T20:20:30+00:00
8 04, 2007

Health Update


Apr/08/07  Pratney family update: "Thank you first off to all who are standing with us for Winkie. Your emails, donations, prayers and cards show us the great love that is out there for Winkie, and how much he and his family mean to the Body of Christ. For cards and letters of sympathy, I am still in the process of [...]

Health Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00
7 04, 2007

Health Update


Apr/07/07  Pratney family update. "Winkie is still currently in a drug induced coma. The lowdown thus far: He went in originally for a hernia operation. That's when part of the bowel pushes out through the muscle wall. The hernia operation was a success. However, after the surgery they found blockage in his transverse colon. They opened him up and found [...]

Health Update2013-08-14T20:17:18+00:00
6 04, 2007

Winkie’s Having Another Surgery – Keep Praying


Apr/06/07 From William (Billy) Pratney: "Mom and I are moving from the hotel we are currently staying at to a guest room located at the University right next to the hospital soon today. So hopefully an internet connection there won't be a problem. Trevor's been wonderful. He's flying back tonight. Dad is undergoing another surgery today: he will have the [...]

Winkie’s Having Another Surgery – Keep Praying2013-08-14T20:13:53+00:00
6 04, 2007

Update on Finances


Apr/06/07  From Trevor and others...Over the past few days many people have both asked about contributing to Winkie's expenses and offered to do whatever they can towards meeting them. This is a great encouragement to the Pratney family. We have been endeavouring to ascertain what these expenses are likely to be and quite frankly there are many unknowns. One thing [...]

Update on Finances2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00
5 04, 2007

Keep Winkie in Your Prayers! Believe!!


Apr/05/07  From Trevor: "Winkie's vital signs are still all OK. He has an infection but it is NOT in the operating area so that is good and they are treating this now. They are inserting two drains to take away a small amount of fluid between his lungs and his ribs. We met with Dr. Lim and Dr. Han this [...]

Keep Winkie in Your Prayers! Believe!!2013-08-14T20:09:25+00:00
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