Winkie Doing Better – Please Keep Praying

Apr/05/07  From Trevor Yaxley. "We have just arrived back at the hotel from the Hospital. We will leave to pick up Billy in a few minutes. But I didn't want to hold back Good news. (I am in tears, God is so amazing) His condition has improved again from yesterday. Swelling going down visibly. All vital signs are holding well. [...]

Winkie Doing Better – Please Keep Praying2013-08-14T20:05:09+00:00

Christian Publications – Before You Publish

Apr/03/07 "We are so grateful for the outpouring of love, prayer and publicity that has been circling the globe for our brother Winkie. If you know of publications that have featured Winkie during this time, please feel free to forward them to us here so we can show Fae and Winkie (when he is better). If you know of someone [...]

Christian Publications – Before You Publish2013-08-14T19:53:39+00:00

Health Update – Critical

Apr/03/07  We have had an update from our friend Trevor Yaxley who flew with Fae Pratney to Korea. They arrived in Seoul last evening.Winkie is in a very critical state, on life support in an induced coma and on dialysis to allow his infected organs to start recovery. The Surgeon (reputedly the best in Korea) has told Trevor it will [...]

Health Update – Critical2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Health Update

Apr/02/07 Winkie is now in septic shock, it is a life threatening complication. Please pray day and night. Today it is most critical. Israel Anderson

Health Update2013-08-14T19:50:19+00:00

Another Surgery, Now in Critical Condition

Apr/01/07 Our brother Winkie is now in critical conditional after having another surgery. His blood pressure continues to drop. They are keeping him stable artificially, but his organs are shutting down. Right now, we need a miracle. Please intercede. Israel Anderson  

Another Surgery, Now in Critical Condition2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Health Update

Apr/01/07  Winkie is still in ICU but is now off the respirator and has spoken briefly with his wife Fae. He has an infection somewhere in his body, but they are not sure where. There is also some seepage from his bowel into his abdominal-cavity still.Your prayers are so powerful, we are seeing results, please keep praying. Our brother is [...]

Health Update2013-08-14T19:46:16+00:00

Update on Winkie – Recovery Fund

Mar/31/07  Winkie is not getting better. He is getting worse. His carer has said that without serious prayer, it does not look good.Winkie is not improving and they are keeping him in ICU. He is now conscious, but now has pneumonia and his bowels are not operating correctly. They have just performed a CAT scan and are looking at that [...]

Update on Winkie – Recovery Fund2013-08-14T19:46:39+00:00

All Speaking Engagements Cancelled

If you are expecting Winkie for ministry between now and July, would you please make alternative arrangements.  Much thanks. Israel Anderson

All Speaking Engagements Cancelled2013-08-14T19:43:50+00:00

Update on Winkie

I have just received an email from Winkie's carer in South Korea. Unfortunately things are quite serious, and this is why I have asked people not to take reports other than from Fae or I first hand. I will post on this blog immediately I have any word. An email was going around saying that Winkie was "ok". My concern [...]

Update on Winkie2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Winkie Pratney Update

  I have just spoken with South Korea. Winkie is still in ICU and will be for the next 2 days. His conditional is no longer critical, but serious enough that he will remain in ICU for at least the next 48 hours. Portions of his bowel were removed and it is now a wait to make sure they are [...]

Winkie Pratney Update2013-08-14T19:43:03+00:00

Winkie Pratney Update

Winkie is still in ICU. He has had his appendix and some of his bowel removed. His condition is stable. Posted by Israel Anderson

Winkie Pratney Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00
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