Winkie Pratney Update

Apr/28/07  Winkie has had his last tube removed now. His heavy stitches were also removed, and some lighter ones put in instead. So, 9 abdominal drainage tubes and 1 pleural cavity drainage tube later, he is free to walk about the hospital without the worry of tubes coming out of him. His abdominal muscles are still severed vertically, of course, [...]

Winkie Pratney Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Health Update

Apr/25/07  Well, Winkie had a visit from Dr. Dwight Leland Paris, along with Dr. Daniel Moon today. They came and prayed for Winkie, and gave us some money for food. Winkie is finally off of all of his drips! He now has only the drainage tube from his pleural cavity on his left side and two drainage tubes at the [...]

Health Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

A Message from Winkie Pratney!

Apr/24/07  You never know how much you're loved until you have stood at the line of death and watched heaven trigger hundreds and hundreds of astonishing intercessory prayers. From all around the world they came- Israel, Australia, Korea, New Zealand, The United States, Canada, Romania, Malaysia, in fact all over the world - standing in the gap for my family [...]

A Message from Winkie Pratney!2013-08-15T17:40:36+00:00

Health Update

Apr/24/07 Well, Winkie seems to be making progress each day. He is walking now (either with someone's aid or a wheeled-walker). The drainage tube coming from his pleural cavity is still in place, and he's still on some sort of fluid drip, so walking to the bathroom or doing anything out of bed can be a bit of an ordeal, [...]

Health Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Health Update

Apr/23/07  Winkie Update: "More good news! Pastor Hong has paid for Winkie to get a private room in the hospital! He was just moved today, and has his own refrigerator, flat screen TV and bathroom with shower and toilet. Mom is really happy. He's also getting more attention now and thus better care. Pastor Hong visited him last week, and [...]

Health Update2013-08-15T17:37:51+00:00

Health Update

Apr/22/07  Winkie stood on his own after the earlier post. Dr. Lim said he would visit us tomorrow and update us as to Winkie's condition. The test results, etc. he will inform us of. He also said that Pastor Hong of Harvest Shalom Church was paying to have Winkie transferred to a private room tomorrow. Winkie has probably only been [...]

Health Update2013-08-15T15:44:21+00:00

Health Update

Apr/20/07 Pratney Family Update: "Things have been crazy. When Winkie was transferred to general ward, no one told us of the Korean Medical system here - where family members are expected to care for patients. To make matters worse, Winkie was found to have a high temperature and they suspected an infection somewhere in his body. Just when things for [...]

Health Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Health Update

Apr/19/07 "Winkie has finally moved to the general ward this afternoon. He still remains on 1 drip and is receiving antibiotics 3x daily through his IV. He's eating solid food now, but his wound (incision) still looks really bad. They are going to depend a lot more on Mom and I from here onwards for Dad's care and monitoring and [...]

Health Update2017-06-13T19:29:01+00:00

Winkie Pratney Update

Apr/17/07 "Winkie is still in ICU. Apparently, Dr. Han (the doctor directly responsible for him) hasn't given the order yet, for him to be moved. We were told by a different doctor that he would be moved today. So, slight communication error there (or lack of communication), but no big deal. Anyway, we're actually liking the fact that he's got [...]

Winkie Pratney Update2013-08-15T15:34:39+00:00

Health Update

Apr/16/07  Winkie Update Praise God! "It seems the majority of the battle is finally over! The majority of his infection, it seems has been taken care of, and he has come off of both the dialysis machine and the ventilator. I think he's been taken off a few drips and his pain medication has been lowered. He is talking now [...]

Health Update2013-08-15T15:32:15+00:00

Health Update

Apr/15/07  Pratney Family Update "Winkie is still on 4 drips, being fed intravenously as well as orally 5 times a day (through a tube). He's still on pain medication, but since they've taken him off the sedative, seems to be coming more and more into consciousness each day. He's still connected to the ventilator, but only receiving CPAP (as mentioned [...]

Health Update2013-08-15T15:14:38+00:00
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