Are you a counterfeit Christian? Listen as Winkie gives you Christ's diagnosis on your soul. The hallmark ideas are as follows:

  • To have the knowledge of Jesus Christ is not enough. You must know Him personally and intimately.
  • Have you surrendered everything to God? Not just the bad stuff, but all the good stuff as well? Jesus wants all of you or none of you.
  • Repentance is not just about surrendering the bad things in our lives. It is about surrendering everything in our lives to Christ. Will you lay it all on the altar and allow God to spend you as He sees fit?
  • You can read your Bible, pray, and even witness everyday and still not be saved. The Pharisees did it and Jesus called them white washed tombs. Jesus must be LORD AND SAVIOR over every aspect of your life without reservation. You must give Him control.
  • When you come to Jesus, you must surrender everything to Him. All of your plans, vocation, location, hurts, helps, the good, the bad, and the ugly – you must surrender it all to Jesus and His will. This is true conversion.

*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage!

Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections
Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections