Revival Study Bible
ALL of the Revival Study Bibles have been purchased/shipped. Currently, there are no more bibles to order.
The RSB Reprint Project is ended …for now.
We would like to emphasize “…for now.” We say that because while we do not yet know the next step, we want to anticipate and be ready! It took 5 years to distribute 1,000 RSBs from the first printing through MOH. Yet, this time it took only 4 months for 1,200! It seems obvious that the hunger and desperation for revival are real. People are seeking God like never before! What can 1,500 more Revival Study Bibles do? Nothing by themselves. What can God do with the people who get one? We can’t wait to see!
In light of this, we want to keep the door open for giving towards what may come next for the Revival Study Bible. Please consider giving below and we will keep you informed of any news or updates concerning any new next steps!
Donate What You Can!
- All donations are appreciated!
Project Details
This project was headed up by Ministry of Helps (MOH). It was crowd-funded through pre-orders and other donations.
All HOPES exceeded! Not only was the original goal of $34,000 reached, it was exceeded! Also, the original goal of reprinting 1,000 bibles was exceeded and 1,500 were printed!
*Refunds subject to certain conditions, e.g. The donor’s full name, correct contact info (e.g. email address, phone number & mailing address), and all details necessary for the refund must be provided with each donation at the time it is given. Please contact MOH for more details.
PLEASE NOTE: As MOH is directly receiving all donations with regard to this project, they too are solely responsible for all and any refunds.
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The vision and hope of MOH is to make this ground-breaking, life-changing study resource available again for you, to the end that even more will be won, discipled, equipped and released into ministry world-wide for His glory.
Please pray for the protection and provision of the partners of this project to the end that this possibility becomes a reality!

The Revival Study Bible, 10 years in the making and now 10 years of distribution, is no small accomplishment. The many years of labor and research produced what is one of the most anointed revival tools of our generation.
Now, after 20 years and countless stories of how it has sparked hearts, lives and ministries anew for revival, the timing is right for another printing to distribute to the end that even more souls will be won, discipled, equipped and released into ministry on a world-wide scale – all for His glory!

“The inescapable reality behind the concept of religious revival, is that when the love of God and needy men intersect, all heaven breaks loose.”
~ Winkie Pratney
Winkie Says…
“Revival is not the end or the focus of this ten-year-long work by hundreds of contributors, editors and behind-the-scenes workers,” Pratney said. “The end is the return and restoration of a new relationship with God. Seek revival and you won’t have a real answer. You seek God, and you may have a revival.”
Urgent Need For Revival!
We are living in the end times. The need for revival has never been more urgent! There is a need to see lives, churches and communities transformed and renewed, as well as the Great Commission fulfilled. The Revival Study Bible is made available for this purpose. It acts as a catalyst for stimulating personal and church revival. The Revival Study Bible will:
Inspire hearts to walk in close fellowship with God under the empowering of the Holy Spirit
Convict souls of sin and to live holy lives
Call all to repentance and worship the true and living God
Bring healing and restoration to broken hearts
Quicken hearts to arise with passion to share Christ and to reap a mighty harvest
Prompt men and women of God to fast and pray
*Taken from Armour Publishing Official 2011 RSB Brochure