
“Winkie is still in ICU. Apparently, Dr. Han (the doctor directly responsible for him) hasn’t given the order yet, for him to be moved. We were told by a different doctor that he would be moved today. So, slight communication error there (or lack of communication), but no big deal. Anyway, we’re actually liking the fact that he’s got a room to himself. In the general ward he probably won’t have the same special care that he’s receiving where he’s at. I’ve been talking with him, feeding him, and even helping him exercise a little. He’s still only on liquid foods, but he’s loving being able to eat again. When we got there this morning, he said he was thirsty, and wanted orange juice. We’ve been feeding him on and off all day. I’ve been able to ask him many questions, and his eyes are looking sharp. He is regaining range of motion and looks forwards (I think I can say) to eating more real foods. Bless you for your prayers.” William Pratney Posted by Israel Anderson