- A selected collection of key truths culled from the great eras of Church history when Christians saw the greatest change for good and lived most like their Lord. - A focus on some fundamental principles that lay the groundwork for genuine evangelism of the lost, revival in the Church and reformation of society. - A re-visitation of long-held basic understandings of God and His ways with men in the light of missing or forgotten areas of ministry in the Third Millennium. - A broad-based non-denominational set of basic Biblical values and perspectives that are common to all evangelical missionary-hearted Christian churches. - An essential platform for all effective worship, study and ministry in our time. - A common core from which missionary, evangelistic and charitable work can find Biblical, historical and passionately spiritual roots in its ministry efforts. - God-honoring understandings that have not only brought about powerful and lasting change in places and ministries in the past, but were also honored of God in helping launch some of the most effective far-reaching missions of our time. - Evangelical. Biblical. True Classically Historical. Devotional. Powerful.
By purchasing Monthly Online Streaming, you will have access to a variety of featured videos that will change in and out each month. Once purchased you will see a new 'Streaming' tab in the top right of your menu bar. *Remember, you must be signed in to your account when you wish to view your purchased streaming page.
Winkie talks about Daniel and his friend being put into an occult culture, by themselves without any help. The question is: Could you make it without any external help? Are you ready for your Red Dawn?*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
You have to serve someone. Who will you serve? Give God your rights; make life simple. You become a slave by choice. You become meek (under control).*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
All of our Winkie video teachings available to you, RIGHT NOW in downloadable form.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
This series describes the history of Revival, mentioning revivalists like Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Wesley brothers and more.
Heaven-sent revival is very needed in the world. We need to take steps in obedience to make a change in society. We will have to be awakened to do this, and some will rub their eyes and not want to do it.
Revival is a lot harder to get started than to keep it going.
God uses revival as a concentrated punch into the enemy lines. The western world needs to lead the charge, not be the one needing help.
From Biblical history to today, God has worked revival through prophecy. For example, the life of King Josiah. True revival is the individual change of every person.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
Winkie sets up why, as a true follower of Jesus, we can know deception without having to know the details of the cult or deceiving thought. His main point is: know the truth or original so well that it is obvious when there is counterfeit. The first deception was not Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden; it was Lucifer. Winkie talks about how Satan fell and the attitude and the character of a person who falls into deception. The two-thirds of the angels that did not fall know their need of God. They are dependent on Him.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
As we fast, there is a starvation of the system. A depletion of the toxins in our life takes place, but the depletion is then replaced with a greater awareness of the presence of God. Fasting sharpens our senses to the Spirit realm.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
We need to remember God's laws so that we can follow them and become closer to God. Winkie shares that if we remember God and our hearts cry out to Him, He will hear us. Expect God to answer your prayer, but not always in the way you think He will.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
In this 10 Part in-depth series, Winkie Pratney covers many fundamental aspects of Christianity. Topics covered include: God's uncreatedness, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, and other "absolutes" in Christian theology. An excellent primer on Christian apologetics.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70's and 80's so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That's why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Holiness is a must. It has never been a popular teaching with the world or even the church. Our lives should never take precedent over God's honor. Legalism is a dangerous thing, but living without laws or limits can be just as dangerous.
Winkie stresses that we really can't be happy unless we lead holy lives.
Holiness is living up to all of the light you have.
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
What does it mean to be a man or woman of God? Spend more time on the inside development rather than the outside. Wise women are contrasted with strange women.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Christianity has made the mistake of telling people that God has a PLAN for our lives. Then when we fail God, the plan is broken. How many people live defeated lives because they have ruined God's plan for their lives? The Bible makes it clear that God has a PURPOSE for our lives. Even though we fail, the purpose can still be attainable.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
God only uses dead things. God only uses the broken. God only uses the burning.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Focuses on the direct rulership of God.
- We are not the boss of the universe; God is.
- God made the universe in great detail.
- God evaluates and judges a person on the basis of what the person understands.
- A lot of the things we do is by choice or by force. God has a way of intervening (even in the moral realm) to make people do what they are supposed to do.
- God can get a hold of anybody.
- There is a reason behind everything that God does.
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
As Winkie shares about the blood, he illustrates with the passage about the blood on the priest's ear, hand, and foot. Each part is a representation:
- The ear is a hearing heart~ a clean conscience is being honest with God. The Holy Spirit brings the right conviction.
- The hand is the actions of our lives. They commit motions but also take revenge on sin!
- The foot is a cleansed walk. There is freedom in trust (a risk) as we walk and run with Him.
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
No man can serve two masters; you must make a choice and yield yourself to God.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Pride is the refusal to acknowledge who you really are. We cover up who we really are because we believe that no one will like us, including God. True Success can only be found when we humble ourselves before God and allow Him to deal with us. Then God will give us His talent, His beauty, and His success.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
There were hundreds of disciples, yet there was an inner circle of twelve. Inside the inner circle, there was still yet a core of three.
God has an inner circle. How close do you want to be to God, and what are you willing to do to get in on that inner circle?*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
We must have a servant's heart. God works by love and loyalty. This series deals with discontentment amongst coworkers or fellow people in ministry. Winkie talks about a self-willed opinion. But "when the heart is filled with revival, there is no need for a critical spirit." This is one that will preach to you!*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
The worst thing is to see someone else carrying the torch God intended for you to carry... "Except a man forsake all the he has, he cannot be my disciple." Give everything you have to the assignment at hand. Give your WHOLE self, no matter how small or how large the assignment appears. God will not call a lazy man; if you're doing nothing, you can be sure God won't call you. Put your hand to the plow! God picks a man who is yoked in with his oxen.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
If you are going to be perfume for God, you have to be beaten and ground up very fine, put under pressure and go through extreme fire. That is the only way our worship will ascend up before God.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Are you a counterfeit Christian? Listen as Winkie gives you Christ's diagnosis on your soul. The hallmark ideas are as follows:
- To have the knowledge of Jesus Christ is not enough. You must know Him personally and intimately.
- Have you surrendered everything to God? Not just the bad stuff, but all the good stuff as well? Jesus wants all of you or none of you.
- Repentance is not just about surrendering the bad things in our lives. It is about surrendering everything in our lives to Christ. Will you lay it all on the altar and allow God to spend you as He sees fit?
- You can read your Bible, pray, and even witness everyday and still not be saved. The Pharisees did it and Jesus called them white washed tombs. Jesus must be LORD AND SAVIOR over every aspect of your life without reservation. You must give Him control.
- When you come to Jesus, you must surrender everything to Him. All of your plans, vocation, location, hurts, helps, the good, the bad, and the ugly - you must surrender it all to Jesus and His will. This is true conversion.
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
The best way of deepening your relationship with Christ is the way of the cross.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Winkie covers how Satan has worked to create counterfeit Christianity through religion without the Holy Ghost, salvation without regeneration, faith without repentance, politics without God, Heaven without hell and a Christianity without Christ. God does not need more Christians with knowledge, He desperately needs Christians filled with the love of Christ. Without love we cannot win the lost. Our knowledge will only lead to debates about Jesus, but when we come with the love of Christ they will get something they can find in no other place.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
What are you not looking for in life that most people would want? Do you know the conditions for what you want most? Understand conditions. There is a supernatural hunger that can only be filled by God. People need God's truth. This world needs unselfishness. There is only one Person good enough and smart enough to follow and that's Jesus.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
The darkness Winkie is teaching on is related to Christians. He uses Isaiah 50:10-11 (paraphrased: "Who is it that fears the Lord, yet walks in darkness and has no light"). The theme of this message deals with different types of darkness. He talks about the good kind of darkness that will make you a stronger believer and the scary/lonesome kind of darkness that will test your resolve. Darkness brings out what one really knows about God.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
One day the brook dries up.
- Nobody can fulfill your needs.
- Only God can provide what you need.
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections -
Militancy is on the rise. Jesus talks about the church in terms of building and battle. Winkie talks about how trends and technology are making God's Locust Army possible. Winkie discusses why we will have to go over the wall instead of through the gates, due to all that happens at the gates ( legislation, media, amusement, politics, etc). He then discusses why it is so important that we really do go over the wall and not give up when we can't get in the gate.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
There are natural fears that are legitimately okay to be afraid of, but they are not the fear of the Lord and are not God's character. The true fear of the Lord belongs to His attributes (glory, majesty, etc.) and His awesomeness. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How big is God? He is awesomely big.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Do you know that doubt and darkness are precursors to greater faith? Sooner or later, every Christian experiences doubt -- those agonizing times when we feel far removed from God's presence. Rather than separate us from God, however, Winkie Pratney believes that doubt can bring us into a better place with Christ.
This teaching discusses three things that impress our culture and contrasts them to three things that impress God. Crete can make you or break you.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Jesus said in the last days that the love of many would grow cold. Why would it grow cold? Is it because so many in the Church are too fond of sinning to really enjoy Christianity and too fond of Christianity to really enjoy sinning. Love of many will grow cold because they never really committed to Christ.*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
Winkie talks about different levels and kinds of love.
- Eros: physical love
- Phileo: friendship/companionship love
- Agape: unselfish love
*Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections