• How to Raise the Dead

    This message is based off of the story of Elijah and the Shunamite woman's son, whom Elijah raised from the dead.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • There are three main points From Winkie in this message: 1 - We have a besetting sin - Don't fool around with it! 2 - We must live unchoked - We are to live without weights holding us down because we can't afford to waste time! 3 - Live Christ dependent - We are to be conscious and looking to Jesus and see Him beside us in the race.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • Walking in Darkness

    The darkness Winkie is teaching on is related to Christians. He uses Isaiah 50:10-11 (paraphrased: "Who is it that fears the Lord, yet walks in darkness and has no light"). The theme of this message deals with different types of darkness. He talks about the good kind of darkness that will make you a stronger believer and the scary/lonesome kind of darkness that will test your resolve. Darkness brings out what one really knows about God.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  •   *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • The worst thing is to see someone else carrying the torch God intended for you to carry... "Except a man forsake all the he has, he cannot be my disciple." Give everything you have to the assignment at hand. Give your WHOLE self, no matter how small or how large the assignment appears. God will not call a lazy man; if you're doing nothing, you can be sure God won't call you. Put your hand to the plow! God picks a man who is yoked in with his oxen.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • Overcoming Temptation

    When you come to Jesus, you are taking the number one reason why you live and giving it to Him. You have to learn to hear the voice of God.
    • If you keep the red light of your conscious sensitive, it’ll keep you out of trouble. Your conscious and spirit are what gives you access to God, so keep them both clean.
    • God wants to take our whole being and express Himself through our lives. He wants us to give Him, not just the choices of our lives, but the number one choice of our lives.
    • Supreme Choice: According to the Bible, you can only give that choice to one thing: God or yourself.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • What are you not looking for in life that most people would want? Do you know the conditions for what you want most? Understand conditions. There is a supernatural hunger that can only be filled by God. People need God's truth. This world needs unselfishness. There is only one Person good enough and smart enough to follow and that's Jesus.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • God's long term purpose appears to be thwarted sometimes, but actually He is in control of the timing. The real work, and the most work is preparing people's hearts and then, suddenly, His will is obvious and manifest.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • John 3:16

    Winkie talks about different levels and kinds of love.
    • Eros: physical love
    • Phileo: friendship/companionship love
    • Agape: unselfish love
    Winkie states that a relationship founded on God should start with agape love, then phileo love, and then eros love. Our society has reversed this order and started with a sexual relationship that builds from there.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • Mindsets 1985

    Sometimes we must look through different glasses. There are different meanings for different symbols.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • Real Revolution

    Jesus said in the last days that the love of many would grow cold.  Why would it grow cold? Is it because so many in the Church are too fond of sinning to really enjoy Christianity and too fond of Christianity to really enjoy sinning. Love of many will grow cold because they never really committed to Christ.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
  • Free as a Slave

    You have to serve someone. Who will you serve? Give God your rights; make life simple. You become a slave by choice. You become meek (under control).
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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