• Mindsets 1980

    There are mindsets behind ideas. Over the years, we pick up on things and they become reality to us. There are fixed laws in God's Kingdom. When Jesus came, He changed the mindset of the law. Increase in head knowledge and information is replacing spiritual insight and revelation today. Unless your life is changed by the information you have learned, you have not learned Christ. As you learn and increase in knowledge, there should be a corresponding obedience - this is real Christian growth and produces true followers of Christ.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Overcoming Temptation

    When you come to Jesus, you are taking the number one reason why you live and giving it to Him. You have to learn to hear the voice of God.
    • If you keep the red light of your conscious sensitive, it’ll keep you out of trouble. Your conscious and spirit are what gives you access to God, so keep them both clean.
    • God wants to take our whole being and express Himself through our lives. He wants us to give Him, not just the choices of our lives, but the number one choice of our lives.
    • Supreme Choice: According to the Bible, you can only give that choice to one thing: God or yourself.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Sex in the Bible

      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Personal Witnessing

    Hours of Winkie's personal tips on witnessing.
    • You have to be boss and not flinch, even though it can be a challenge to witness. Don't be afraid to tell people the truth about living for Jesus.
    • To lead others to Christ, we need to give them Jesus, not rules and regulations.
    • Most of the time, people are convicted by observing how we live our lives. Are we living lives sold out to Jesus?
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Maranatha Conference

    We are impressed by power, wisdom and money. God is impressed when we follow Him. From Him much is given, therefore much is required. Winkie speaks of Solomon and how we must stand firm and not fall away as Solomon did. He also talks on the dangers of power and the fantasy of imagination. God destroyed the world because of bad actions and imaginations.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • The Babylonian Pattern

    God established the family and home as the first institution. The base of a home is to extend the existing happiness to others so they can share in it as well. Winkie lays out the structure of witchcraft (the babylonian pattern) and describes the three ways in which the demonic works: guilt, nagging and manipulation.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Contract on Children

    The spirit of Molech that caused ancient civilization to offer up their children in sacrifice to false gods is the same spirit attacking our children today. The enemy preys on the weak, the innocent and the defenseless and we must launch a counter-attack to preserve the sanctity of our children's lives. God is aggressively desiring that our children remain childlike and that their innocence is not stolen. Children, by nature, are hero worshippers, and God wants to reinforce His position as their ultimate Hero and Savior.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • Emphasizes the fact the one doesn't have to be old to serve God. Uses the story of Jesus as a 12 year old child doing his Father's business.  Christians should be balanced in these four different categories: Physical, mental, social, and spiritual. God uses young people: now not tomorrow. Motive is foundation: Why do you do what you do? Who do you do it for?
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • First Love


    Before the universe was made, love existed. The Father, Son & Holy Spirit loved each other.

    He is an infinite God - He speaks to the earth and creates. He made things good so that we could enjoy them - colors, tastes, etc.

    God is different from His creation - He is uncreated. He knows what it is like to be a plant and to know how it grows. He understands intuitively all things. He feels intimately.

      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • As we prepare for street preaching, there is a learning of how to break the Scripture apart. The methods are:
    • A wide look
    • A deep look
    • A broad look
    • Amplification
    What we say must be real to us, otherwise it becomes religious. Winkie gives a deeper look into how to be real with people. What we speak on the streets must first be quickened in our spirits. People definitely know whether what we are saying to them is real to our hearts or not. He also gives unique ways of how to set up and how to present to an audience – even to knowing the timing, placement and what crowd to minister to.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • We are all going to have hurt. It's how we respond to the hurt that matters. The sin of bitterness comes from being hurt and not being willing to forgive. (To forgive does not mean to pretend you are not hurt.) We must open our heart to God to be able to forgive.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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  • John 3:16

    Winkie talks about different levels and kinds of love.
    • Eros: physical love
    • Phileo: friendship/companionship love
    • Agape: unselfish love
    Winkie states that a relationship founded on God should start with agape love, then phileo love, and then eros love. Our society has reversed this order and started with a sexual relationship that builds from there.
      *Okay friends, please keep in mind that most of these videos were recorded in the 70′s and 80′s so you may notice that in the quality of the videos. That’s why we call them vintage! Best Vintage Quality Video: ~ 600MB / Best for high-speed connections Good Vintage Quality Video: ~ 100MB / Best for slower connections
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